Recent Stories

A Night at the Aquarium for Fairfax Youth
Boys & Girls Club of Greater Washington members take a private overnight tour of Baltimore's National Aquarium.
Ten students from the Fairfax branch (Murraygate chapter) of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington got a sneak peak of Shark Week by spending the night among them at the Baltimore Aquarium at the seaport in Baltimore. They spent a “night at the museum” as part of the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) program sponsored by COX Communications last Friday, July 25.

‘Greatest Generation’ Visits Rocky Run Middle School
Students hear first-hand accounts from WWII veterans on D-Day festival.
Students at Rocky Run Middle School received the greatest history lesson on D-Day: first-hand accounts from the men and women who served in World War II. The “greatest generation” officers visited the school for an all-day festival where seventh graders got to hear eyewitness accounts of what happened during the war from the men and women who served there. First-hand accounts included recollections from being enemy prisoners, successful missions, air raids, and special operations. Students had the opportunity to sit down with the veterans and interview them individually. Interviews were conducted all day in the cafeteria as well as the media room.

Protecting Youths Against Substance Abuse
Panel shares stories and advice.
Fairfax County's Unified Prevention Coalition sponsored a forum on the effects of substance abuse on the county's middle and high school children. The resource fair and panel discussion was led by parents, young adults and professionals from the coalition's PROTECT (Parents Reaching Out To Educate Communities Together) task force. "It's been so long, I'll still be emotional about it," said Greg Lannes about his daughter's heroin overdose in 2008. Alicia Lannes had been 19 when she died and had always been a model student with straight A's. He pointed to the lone framed photo of her on the table and asked the audience, "Does that look like a heroin addict? How did she get to that point?"