Centre View News

Centre View News


Opinion: Column: In Effect, a Trade

Incurable but treatable non small cell lung cancer, stage IV for incurable but treatable papillary thyroid cancer stage IV.

Superintendent Brabrand Presents Fairfax County Public Schools Budget for FY 2022

The presentation of the FY 2022 Proposed Budget is the starting point of the budget process, which ends in May with the School Board’s adoption of the Approved Budget.

Fairfax County Residents List Assembly Expectations

County General Assembly Delegation holds pre-2021 Session Public Hearing

The Fairfax County General Assembly Delegation held a Pre-2021 Session Public Hearing on Saturday, Jan. 9.

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Teacher Vaccinations Begin in Fairfax County

In accordance with State and local Health department groupings, teachers and school staff in Phase 1b began receiving vaccinations on Monday, Jan. 11.

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Privatized Incarceration

Alexandria senator leads fight against profiting from prisoners

Housing inmates in Virginia prisons costs the state about $70 a day for each inmate. But the private sector can do it a lot cheaper, about $50 a day. Lawmakers are about to debate whether that's a savings they can afford.

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HomeLifeStyle: Creating a Calm Interior

Soothing spaces offer serenity during difficult times.

In the current times of turbulence and uncertainty, many are looking for a haven for serenity and calm.

Virginia House Democrats Release Agenda for Upcoming Session

The House legislative agenda will focus on three key areas for the upcoming legislative session: Protecting Families; Keeping Virginia Healthy; Rebuilding Our Economy Stronger

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Snowflake Trail Fun by Cub Run RECenter

The Fairfax County Park Authority is offering a free scavenger hunt with video clues in the Cub Run Stream Valley.

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Reflecting on 2020, Looking to the Future in Centreville

Centreville Immigration Forum still has more work to do.

Despite the pandemic, the nonprofit Centreville Immigration Forum (CIF) and its Centreville Labor Resource Center (CLRC) are pressing on, as best they can.

Opinion: Column: New Year, Old Problem: Cancer

As I sit and write here, with too much time on my hands, I can't help but consider my lot in life.

Fairfax County General Assembly Delegation to Hold Public Hearing

The Fairfax County delegation to the General Assembly will hold a public hearing on the 2021 session on Saturday, Jan. 9, from 9 a.m. to noon.

Gentle and Subtle Resolutions for 2021

Try small, simple and achievable goals

For 2021, local mental health professionals advise being gentle with yourself when creating the daily schedules and resolutions that often come with the beginning of the New Year.

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Virginia Progressive Prosecutors Call for Criminal Justice Reforms

Reforms advocated for by the group include expungement of criminal records, an end to mandatory minimum sentences, an end to cash bail, abolition of the death penalty, and an end to “three strikes” felony enhancement for larceny offenses.

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Heroes of Our Time

In 1940, when the British Royal Air Force (RAF) was fighting the air war in the skies over England, Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister at the time made the following statement referring to the RAF pilots:

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Essential Leave

Advocates for paid sick days try to build support among Virginia Senate Democrats

Before the pandemic hit, Senate Democrats stopped a proposal requiring businesses to offer paid sick days. During the pandemic, they rejected it again during a special session. Now as lawmakers prepare for the upcoming General Assembly session, advocates are hoping they've finally got a strategy to persuade reluctant Senate Democrats to approve a new law increasing the number of workers in Virginia who have access to paid sick days.