Centre View News

Centre View News


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Food Truck Changes Considered in Fairfax County

Public Hearings are July 30 and Sept. 9.

Instead of bringing a brown-bag lunch to work or venturing out for fast food, Fairfax County residents may soon have a different option. On June 17, the Board of Supervisors voted to move forward with a proposal to make changes to food truck regulations. The proposal will allow food trucks to operate at office buildings, construction sites, and commercial and industrial properties. Public hearings on the proposal will be held in front of the Planning Commission on July 30 and Sept. 9 in front of the Board of Supervisors.

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CTB OKs Funding for Roundabout

Residents opposing it say they’ll keep on fighting.

The Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) has greenlighted a plan to build a controversial roundabout to improve traffic flow at the Braddock/Pleasant Valley roads intersection by Cox Farms in Centreville. Last Wednesday, June 18, the CTB awarded a $4.178 million contract to Fort Myer Construction Corp. to do the work. Furthermore, VDOT revealed it had found surplus money to complete the necessary funding for the project whose cost has escalated from its originally anticipated $2.6 million to $5.82 million.

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‘Thanks for Making This Vision Happen’

Expansion, renovation of Fair Oaks District Police Station celebrated.

When the Fair Oaks District Police Station was built in 1982, it met the needs of the employees. It opened in 1983 with some 65-70 police officers and a handful of civilians.

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What’s Offensive about Redskins Pride?

Absolutely nothing, if you’re state Sen. Chap Petersen.

A lifelong Redskins fan, Fairfax state Sen. Chap Petersen (D-34) has had it up to here with all the talk about the need to change the name of his beloved football team. He vented his frustration and indignation on his blog — Ox Road South — but said he was leery of tackling what he deemed the forces of political correctness in the "War Against the Redskins" until June 18, when the Federal Patent Office blocked the team’s Redskins trademarks, declaring that the name was "disparaging" to Native Americans at the time the trademarks were registered — as far back as 1967. That action pushed Petersen off the sidelines to lead an offensive attack.

County Chamber Honors Brain Injury Services

The Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce (Fairfax Chamber) honored Brain Injury Services with the 2014 Nonprofit of the Year award. This category was part of the 2014 Outstanding Corporate Citizenship Awards presented at the Chamber’s Annual Chairman’s Luncheon on June 17, 2014.

Roundups for 6/18/2014

The editor presents the roundups from the week of 6/18/2014.

6/18/2014 Roundups

The editor presents the roundups from the week of 6/18/2014.

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Meals Tax: Tasty or Revolting?

Supervisors digest task force’s final report on hot-button issue.

After hours of simmering debate, the Meals Tax Referendum Task Force’s presentation to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Tuesday was a mere amuse-bouche, whetting the appetite of board the for the group’s 170-page multi-course written report.

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School Calendar Changes Examined

Fairfax County considers ending half-day Mondays, at the cost between $4 to $7.6 Million.

Changes could be coming soon to school schedules in Fairfax County, under a new plan announced by Superintendent Karen Garza at a work session on May 28.

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Eat. Drink. Pay?

Fairfax County task force debates voters’ appetite for another meals tax referendum.

It has been 22 years since Fairfax County asked voters to approve a tax on restaurant meals, an issue that ignited protests, caused deep divisions among community leaders and threatened to melt down several political careers. The reverberations of that epic failure — what many consider the third rail of county politics — continue to echo in the ears of county politicians.

Roundups for 6/11/2014

The editor presents the roundups from the week of 6/11/2014.

Mixed-Used Development Proposed for Chantilly

Multifamily homes, retail, restaurants in Westfields Corporate Center.

The Westfields Corporate Center has attracted top-quality firms — including the federal government — to its business park in Chantilly. So it’s not surprising then that Akridge wants to join them.

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Empire Strikes Back: Establishment Beats Tea Party at Republican Convention

Party insider Ed Gillespie seizes nomination at convention in Roanoke.

When conservative preacher E.W. Jackson took the stage at the Roanoke Civic Center to introduce Tea Party favorite Shak Hill at the Republican convention last weekend, hundreds of conservatives from across Virginia took to their feet. They waved placards.

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Poverty in the Classroom: Low-Income Students Scattered Through Northern Virginia

Where are the region's highest poverty schools?

When Carla Castro-Claure was approaching the age when she would soon attend Kindergarten, her mother became increasingly concerned about Hybla Valley Elementary School.

Once Cramped, Outdated; Now Modern, Efficient

When the Fairfax County Animal Shelter was built in the early 1970s, it was intended to be a dog pound to handle stray and homeless dogs. Renovated in the mid-1980s, it increased the number of kennels from 48 to 72 to better care for dogs in isolation and quarantine.